Welcome to New Franklin . . . where the four Trails meet!
The City of New Franklin, founded in 1828 after the town of Franklin washed away in the 1826 & 1828 floods, was char- tered in 1835. Known as the town where four trails meet . . . marking the end of the Boonslick Road, the beginning of the Santa Fe Trail, including the Lewis & Clark Trail and the Katy Trail . . . history awaits in every direction!

New Franklin City Council Meeting
The New Franklin City Council meets the second Monday of every month, 6:00 pm, NF City Hall. Click here for Agenda/Minutes. Public is invited.
Textcaster Service for Residents
Please call City Hall (660) 848-2288 or stop by, 130 E. Broadway, and request this free service provided for all New Franklin city residents. Boil order notices, trash pickup reminders/changes, police notices, etc. will be automatically texted to participating residents.
Pay Utility Payments Online
The City of New Franklin is now set up to take credit/debit card payments online. To make a credit/debit card payment online 24/7, click “Pay Here” link to make a payment to New Franklin. Fees will apply for this service.
Upcoming Events
New Franklin is home to many delightful annual events and festivals. Find more information here.
Discover more about the history of our small town. Learn about some of the historical sites and monuments.
Area Businesses
Find address and contact information for local businesses, churches and schools.